Company Overview
Our Mission    
To become the outdoor industry's leading multi-media information provider. Our innovative, team-oriented approach will foster the development of unprecedented mediums, which meet the rapidly changing needs of manufacturers and consumers of outdoor recreation, and display our ongoing obligation to the resource itself.    
What We Do    
ADventure, LLC is a leading multi-media consulting firm specializing in the $150 billion outdoor sports marketplace. Our multi-media programs will present an uncluttered opportunity for your company to target the nation’s most active, young and affluent outdoor enthusiasts with average annual incomes approaching $70,000. These "doers" work hard during the week and play hard on the weekends, participating in close-to-home outdoor activities including road and mountain biking, hiking, camping, fishing, skiing, snowboarding and other contemporary outdoor activities.    
What We Offer    
Achieving your marketing objectives in today’s environment is a challenge, and anything but an exact science... Until now. At ADventure, LLC, we specialize in providing a direct pipeline to the outdoor recreation and travel markets through targeted, cost-effective, multi-media solutions. In the coming year, we will impact more than 10 million outdoor sports and travel enthusiasts through our integrated print, mobile marketing, broadcast, Internet and cross-promotional properties. We know your customers intimately, and our tailored programs will provide your company a credible voice with this lucrative sector, allowing you to meet and exceed your marketing objectives.    

What is Multi-Media?
As today’s consumer becomes increasingly barraged and desensitized by traditional advertising strategies, the need to reach target audiences with authenticity through
multiple entry points has never been more imperative. This is the true definition of “multi-media,” and what sets ADventure, LLC apart from other media companies.
Unlike spectator-based sports where advertising messages are simply placed on a
stadium billboard (the shotgun branding approach), the adventure sports market is highly participant-based, forcing marketers to take their messages directly to these “doers” in order to realize maximum mindshare, brand equity and sales. ADventure, LLC helps our clients accomplish this through the following interrelated channels:

• Showcasing product features and benefits through advertisements in Hooked on the Outdoors magazine, and online at

• Sampling products on site at the nation’s most impactful outdoor events, festivals
and competitions via the Hooked Event Tour, Shimano Fishing Tour and Fall/Winter ‘06
Tour (specifics TBD).

• Broadcasting new products to participants and spectators at 100 of the nation’s largest resort towns through a TV partnership with the Resort Sports Network (RSN).

• Developing and executing creative national cross-promotions, athlete representation, corporate hospitality with V.I.P. perks, bringing marketing campaigns full circle.

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