Hooked On the Outdoors Magazine is the ultimate backyard travel and gear magazine. Published eight times per year, Hooked™ has a multi-sport focus, stressing accessible adventure for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and levels of expertise. The magazine’s backyard travel philosophy incorporates close-to-home destinations in the United States, Canada and south of the border (Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America). Simply, it's an active person's guide for the outdoor way of life.
While Hooked™ draws on a strong pool of regular contributors, we are always looking for fresh ideas and voices on the topics listed below.
The following is a brief description of editorial content:
We work six months in advance of publishing, so time your queries accordingly. Hooked™ does not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Please send queries only. Also, please note which departments are accepting content for 2006. Due to the high volume of queries that we receive, we cannot respond to queries that come via email for departments that are not accepting content. Thank you for your understanding.
Note: Please read a current issue of the magazine before sending in your query.
I. Outtakes
News Lead [Accepting queries]: A 1,500-word news story about a current event or issue related to or affecting the outdoor sports world/environment. We are looking for breaking stories of national significance or regional issues that lead into a broader, national context. Send news lead queries to: query@ruhooked.com.
Ask Angus: Interactive column where Editorial staff answers questions from our readers. 250 words. We do not take queries for this column but we take questions at: askangus@ruhooked.com.
Outdoor Shape [Accepting queries]: Tips from outdoor pros on training, health and nutrition, and a look at new trends and fresh ideas for staying in shape; workouts in the field instead of in the gym. 350 words. Send queries to: query@ruhooked.com.
The Big Picture: Featured photographers tell readers the story behind a photo, both what is happening in the picture and what equipment was used to take the photo. 100 words plus one photo. Send queries to: photo@ruhooked.com.
Sport-by-Sport [Accepting queries]: This section covers news and entertainment as it pertains to various outdoor sports: fishing, biking, climbing, hiking/backpacking/camping, backcountry travel, skiing, snowboarding, paddling and adventure racing. Pieces run from 100-350 words. Send queries to: query@ruhooked.com.
II. Regional Highlights: [Accepting queries for 2006. Due to the high number of queries we cannot guarantee a response to email queries].
This destination guide is divided into eight regions, six of which are in the United States (Northeast, Southeast, Midwest, Mountain West, Southwest and West Coast). The other two sections are Canada and South of the Border (Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America). These blurbs cover regional destinations, such as parks, forests, trails, rivers, lakes, oceans, multi-sport areas, along with local characters, races and regional guidebooks. The pieces are short and informative and should give the reader a good account of the physical environment, available activities, history/background and accommodations and/or camping in a certain area. Primary contact information and guidebook information is used at the end of each piece. Please query at least six months ahead of the season you wish to write about (e.g. May for winter destinations). Please keep up to date with past issues so as not to repeat destinations. Go to the www.ruhooked.com archives to see what has already been covered. Highlights run 100-350 words. Send queries to: regionals@ruhooked.com.
III. Features: Features run from 1,200-5,000 words depending on the subject matter. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Features fall into a number of categories, including: travel, environment, outdoor sport-specific, news and profiles. We are always looking for a good read. Send queries to: features@ruhooked.com.
IV. Gear Reviews: The Garage: A look into the gear garage/closet of a high-profile athlete and or outdoor gear junkie. Currently we do not take queries for this column.
Company Profile: A 350-word profile of a grassroots outdoor company. Send queries to: gear@ruhooked.com.
Multi-Media: Book, DVD, and music reviews. Currently we do not take queries for this column.
Comparison Chart: A head-to-head gear test, in which products are compared to others in the same category. We currently do not take queries for this column.
Round-Up: A review of four new gear items that fall into a number of categories. Includes products and apparel that are tried and true, a great value, innovative, technical, potential classics, and more. We currently do not take queries for this column.
Gear Reviews: Aside from these columns, in each issue we offer two to three gear features, which offer our readers an overview of what is new in the marketplace. These reviews are planned well in advance of deadline and are complete packages not single product reviews. Send queries to: gear@ruhooked.com.
Submissions, Assignments, Contracts
Queries should be short and to the point, no longer than one page. Again, WE DO NOT TAKE UNSOLICITED MANUSCRIPTS. Queries sent by mail should be accompanied by an SASE. If this is your first query submission then include published clips as well. ALLOW AT LEAST EIGHT WEEKS FOR A RESPONSE.
Send Editorial queries to:
Hooked On the Outdoors
2040 30th Street, Suite A
Boulder, CO 80301
We also accept queries at the email addresses outlined in the guidelines above.
Assignments will be confirmed with a contract outlining editorial terms: subject matter, wordcount, deadline, pay and kill fee (if applicable). Assigned submissions should be sent electronically as Word document (.doc) attachments. Contracts will include a mandatory release of liability, releasing Hooked™ from legal responsibility for personal injury while on assignment; release of one-time North American rights; internet usage for archiving; and agreement of disclosure regarding pay. Contract should be returned to the Boulder, Colorado editorial office.
PAYMENT: You MUST submit an invoice with your completed assignment. Payment is issued 30 days after publication. Pay rates vary pending on columns, writing experience and tenure.