Bass Fishing in Hydrilla

So you want to go fishing for bass in a pond or lake that is covered with hydrilla? Hydrilla can be a real pain when bass fishing. But like every bass angler knows, hydrilla can hold some monster largemouths! The first thing to consider when bass fishing in hydrilla is how thick in the hydrilla. Does it have pockets or breaks? Or is it just a huge mat? In all most every case of fishing in hydrilla you want to use a heavy weight and a Texas rigged plastic. I like to use a 1 oz weight and a very large worm (8.5 inches +) or any large plastic for that matter. A purple worm has shown to be the most effective, red shad is great in too. Plastic crawfish are great aswell since you will fishing in an enviroment that natrually holds crawfish.

Once you have you rig all set up, chunk your heavy rig out into the middle of the mat, work the worm across the top untill you find a pocket. Slowly reel your plastic over the pocket and lit it fall. If the hydrilla is extremely thick, your worm will not fall to far. This is okay, bass will still see it and feel the vibrations. Continue this pattern and you will get bite if the hydrilla is holding bass.

If you find your self fishing a break of hydrilla. A break is where you have a huge mat and then a big clearing space. You will more than likely find a lot of bass in an area like this. What I like to do is through my plastic on the mat and slow reel it to the break letting it fall into the clear opening. You will be surprise how quickly a bass will take the bait once it has fallen, if the spot is holding some bass. You can also get parralel to the break and through along the break. If you choose this technique you do not have to use a lure. Burning a spinner bait along the side of the hydrilla will get bass’ attention! Experiment with different lures on the when bass fishing on a break of hydrilla. Breaks in hydrilla are well known for holding lots of bass!

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