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Dirtbag: Fitness Equipment
By Hooked Staff
2005 Sept (Vol. 7, No. 5)

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1.Foam Roller: In a perfect world, we all could afford a full-body massage after every workout. In reality, we can get the job done ourselves with a foam roller. Not nearly as romantic, the foam roller nonetheless works out the kinks deep in your back and leg muscles. While lying down, place it under your hamstrings, IT bands or glutes and shift your body weight until it rolls beneath you. $6–$27, depending on size; available at your local craft store or www.gymcor.com .

2.Gaiam Yoga Essentials Mat: Not just for yoga, this mat offers a nonslip barrier between your body and the floor. Use it for crunches, push-ups, weight lifting or when you strike a pose. Allergy sufferers will appreciate that it’s also latex-free. $22; 877-989-6321; www.gaiam.com .

3.Danskin Core Ball Plus: Sit on it. Do push-ups on it. If you’re super-strong (or an adventure-seeker), try kneeling or even standing on it. Fitness balls are as versatile as they are easy to use, and included in this kit is a “balance ring” that keeps the ball from rolling out from under you, plus an illustrated workout poster to keep you busy for days. $40; 800-704-5561; www.danskinfitness.com .

4.Thera-Band Stability Trainer: Consider this an entry-level wobble board. The closed-cell foam pad is just squishy enough to throw you off-kilter as you stand on one foot, but not enough to send you nose-first onto the floor. The green model is stiffer (thus more stable) than the blue. Sure-footed athletes can up the level of difficulty by keeping a stability trainer underfoot while doing lunges, squats or jumps. $29 each; 888-FW-ORDER
[396-7337]; www.fwonline.com .

Last Updated: Dec 8th, 2005 - 07:30:48
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