Looking Sharp
Tips to help you improve your high speed vision for action sports
From 2005 Dec (Vol. 7, No. 7)
OUTTAKES: Sport by sport: Cyclo-Mania
Don’t let your bike hibernate this winter.
From 2005 Nov (Vol. 7, No. 6)
OUTTAKES: News&Issues: Take It Off-Road
Leave the pain and boredom of pavement pounding behind. Become a trail runner.
From 2005 Sept (Vol. 7, No. 5)
OUTTAKES: The Big Picture
how to get the shots you want to take.
From 2005 Jul (Vol. 7, No. 3)
Build the Dream
You read about building the dream bike in the latest issue of Hooked. Well, two bikes just didn’t seem like enough for you gear heads. Here we present two more dream bikes—and the equipment you need to put them together.
An Introduction to Surf Kayaking
Why surf kayak? There are several reasons: You can catch many more waves, paddle back out more quickly, and get to breaks that would be a long walk or paddle on a board more easily.
Shave the Weight
While there is no exact formula for figuring out an ideal weight, here are a some ways to shave off weight in your backpack.
RIver Etiquette
These "rules of the river" will make paddling more enjoyable for you and others who share the river.
Singletrack Technique
Singletrack is no easy feat, however, but with a little bit of knowledge, two working wheels and a dash of courage, you'll be nailing it in no time.
Fending off Kayaking Fear
Four years ago, I decided to pursue my dream of learning how to kayak.Then I realized what I was about to do: lock my self inside a plastic boat and push off into a raging torrent. My basic instincts took over, telling me to run like hell, head for the mountains and don't look back.
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Last Updated: Apr 10th, 2006 - 09:29:05